Oct 11, 2018



This sweet dish is originally prepared at time of Muharram by Muslims and it was adopted by my ajji, don't know what might be the reason just to have sweet dish or something else, anyway it's tasty one, it is made in our home in Muharram.


Wheat flour : 2 cup
Puttani hittu/ fried Bengal gram flour : 1 cup
Jaggery powder : 1/2 cup, as per taste
Poppy seeds : 2 tsp
Dry coconut gratings : 1/2 cup
Cardamom : 1 or 2
Clove : 1 or 2
Procedure :
Take a vessel add wheat flour, 1 Tbsp spoon milk, 1/2 tsp oil, water and knead to a soft dough as you make it to prepare Chapati. Keep aside for 20 mins.

Make fine powder of fried Bengal gram, add jaggery powder mix well.
Now fry poppy seeds, add cardamom,lavang and ground it using mixer or you can crush it using a stone pestle. Mix it with fine powdered Bengal gram powder and jaggery. Add dry coconut gratings to it.

This is chonge manne, it's used exclusively to make chonge.

Now make small lemon sized balls out of dough, put it on chonge mane and roll it applying oil, you can fold once and roll it again as done while making chapatis, do not roll it very thinly, it must be little thicker than usual chapatis.

Now heat tawa, sprinkle oil put the rolled chonge, flip two sides and roast it applying oil generously, now take out of griddle place on a plate when it's still hot spread the sweet mixture all over as per your wish. Pile it by spreading on every piece of chonge, after done with it cover it for few mins, once the jaggery melts it gives nice taste, have it with ghee.

you can have chonge by applying Shenga chutney/pickles with ghee. 

Recently I came to know another method, that is jaggery syrup is made and it's applied on chonge and coconut gratings are spread over it with poppy seeds and cardamom powder, need to try next time.


  1. Have seen in Northern Karnatak and Maharastra (both Muslims and Hindus in Rural area-where sufism is famous), prepare this item.

    Maharastrian style is in the following video...


  2. Nice to see this sweet dish, can't remember tasting it ever.

  3. from where can i get this chonge mane. could anybody give me shop address and contact number to buy chonge mane

  4. you can get good quality ones at chonge-mani at Laxminarayana Jaatre which happens during Navaratri. However, you will get it at Dharwad market as well but the quality will not be as good as the ones available in the fair.

  5. hi im looking for chonge mane please let me know where to buy it from as im not getting anywhere in bangalore.dis is my favourite sweet please let me know

  6. @ Unknown , no idea...we got it from Dharwad.

  7. From where can i purchase this chonge manne i searched it online as well as offline in whole bangalore but i dnt find can pls anyone send me parcel to bangalore

  8. How to purchase this product pls tell me
